Especificando el nombre y apellidos de los milongueros y las milongas, audición o/y cenas, a las cuales asistirán del programa:
Milongas A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H
Cena Argentina
Cena Tanguera
y/o Audición-Práctica
Por cuestiones de aforo y organización será NECESARIO INSCRIBIRSE aunque la entrada a las milongas será GRATUITA.
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The Inscription to Milongueando Tenerife 2014 is now open (inscription´s dead line: Tuesday November, 17th included), by email, writing to:
Specifying the name and surname of the tangueros and milongas, audition and/or dinners, to which will go from the program bellow:
Milongas A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H
Argentine Diner
Tango Dinner
and/or Presentation-Practice
INSCRIPTION IS NEEDED because matters of organization, but the ticket to the milongas will be TOTALLY FREE.
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